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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  October 31, 2017 3:12am-4:01am PDT

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facebook told congressional investigators today russian operatives published about 80,000 posts over a two-year period, to try to influence u.s. politics and 126 million americans may have seen them. twitter said it found more than 2700 accounts linked to russian operatives. we turn to john dickerson, chief washington correspondent and anchor of "face the nation." john, the president tweeted in capital letters today there was no collusion. developments suggest that may not be the case. >> yes, the president tweeted no collusion. then scooped shortly there after, campaign adviser had in fact had contact with the russian government source. reminder special counsel operates at a different pace
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than the world of twitter. the papadopolous source was offering negative material on hillary clinton which mentioned the different meeting with the person claiming to representative the russian government who met with the president's son, son-in-law and campaign chairman, manafort. important to remember there was a time when the president's team said there had been no contact with the russians at all by the campaign. >> john, the white house trying to distance the president from paul manafort. he was the campaign chairman. >> he was, that's exactly right. the president promised that as, president he would hire the best. build and run his private sector experience. paul manafort was a hire that didn't turn out well. list of others in the category is long. the president fired or accepted resignation of his national security adviser, chief of staff, deputy chief of staff. press secretary, two communication directors and senior adviser broughten to replace paul manafort. >> thank you, john. just ahead, a green beret was
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killed. and two navy seals are under suspicion. later, actor kevin spacey, is accused of trying to seduce a minor. that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours.
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try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster.
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army sergeant beaubergdahl took the stand apologized to military personnel wounded searching for him during the five years held by the taliban. bergdahl faces life behind bars, pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. u.s. special ops forces in libya captured a suspect in the 2012 terror attack on american diplomatic compound in benghazi. the attack left u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three americans dead. the suspect picked up last night is identified as moustafa al
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aman. brought to the u.s. for trial in federal court. >> a green beret was killed in mali possibly by other u.s. troops. david martin is following the investigation. >> staff sergeant logan melgar, 34-year-old green beret died last june in mali after an argument with two memers of the elite navy seal team six. autopsy determined cause of death homicide by asphyxiation, strangling. now the two navy seals are under investigation by ncis:naval criminal investigative service. melgar and two seals shared a house in embassy compound in the capital of mali. the cause of the argument between them is not clear, but a fight broke out and when it was over, melgar could not be revived. according to u.s. africa command, melgar, veteran of two tours in afghanistan was in mali at request of local government. helping them in the fight
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against al qaeda. he was a member of the same special forces group as the four americans who were killed earlier this month while on patrol in the neighboring country of niger. both countries are plagued by bands of islamic fighters, some alle alle allege to al qaeda and some ois. they did not announce his death when it happened. but well known in texas where he and his family were honored at the homecoming football game. it is not clear what seal team 6 was doing in mali. although specializes in capture or kill missions against terrorist leaders. including the raid that killed osama bin laden. anthony. >> david martin at the pentagon. thank you. still ahead, kevin spacey is accused of attempted sexual assault. his apology only made things worse.
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netflix said it issening house of card after next season. kevin spacey the latest to be accused of sexual misconduct. his apology seems to have backfired. here is jericka duncan. >> the actor told buzz feed he met kevin spacey in 1986 when rapp was 14, spacey was 26. both performing on broadway. rapp said spacey invited the teen to his apartment for a party. after everyone left. spacey picked me up like the groom picked up a bride and lays down on top of me. i was aware he was trying to get with me sexually. today spacey responded saying he dent remember the enkonter, was probably intoxicated, and if i did behave then as he describes, i owe him the sincerest apology.
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in the next pair grf ragraph, ty has encouraged me to embrace other things about my life. i choose now to live as a gay man. >> the thing that most people are probably outraged by was that he used this as an opportunity to come out as gay. >> the ceo of glaad, said this isn't a coming out story about spacey but a story of survivorship by anthony rapp and those who speak out about unwanted sexual advances. when the harvey weinstein scandal broke, many in hollywood, decried the way weinstein treated people was an open secret. now are wondering if the same is true for spacey. >> two weeks ago a former boston news anchor, tweeted that spacey assaulted another person, her loved one. i spoke to her today. she said right now, she can't comment. anthony. >> jericka duncan, thanks.
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>> conspiracy theorists are going crazy over the world series. >> high fly ball good bye. >> dodgers and astros hit one home run after another in last night's game five. seven in all. 22 in five games. the most in any world series. some pitchers insist the baseballs have been altered. though the commissioner denies that. the one hit by houston's george springer, exploded on impact. possibly after hitting fireworks. after an l.a. home run. one houston fan snatched the ball and threw it back on the field. told the two fans are related. als trastros are one win from t first title. 5:17. major league baseball tweeted an excuse form if any one wanted to skip work or school today. that's "overnight news" for
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tuesday. for some the news continues. for others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm michelle miller the two former associates of president trump spending halloween under house arrest. they're the first ones charged in the investigation of russian interference in our presidential election. former trump campaign chairman, paul manafort, and his top aide rick gates, both pleaded not guilty to a long list of charges that could land them in prison for decades. paul manafort posted $10 million bail. gates $5 million. and one of president trump's former foreign policy advisers, george papadopoulos, has already pleaded guilty to meeting with russian agents and lying to the fbi about it. he said to be cooperating with
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the investigation. that's where jeff pegues begins our coverage. president trump showcased his foreign policy team for "washington post" editors march 21, 2016 among them a political unknown in his late 20s. >> george papadopoulos, he's an oil and energy consultant. excellent guy. >> court papers say, papadopoulos now admits he want to work right away. setting up meetings with russian operatives who told him in april 2016, they had dirt on then candidate hillary clinton including thousands of e-mails. two months pass before the democratic national committee publicly blamed russians for hacking their computers and stealing data including e-mails. according to the court papers, papadopoulos had been e-mailing and meeting russian contacts regularly. ron hosko, former assistant director of the fbi what does it suggest the russians were trying to do by reaching through him to
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the trump campaign. >> dangling some bait to some one who appeared very willing to grab the bait. and pull the two closer. he melt his main contact, nicknamed the professor in london. and also melt with a female russian national. he believed was relative of russian president vladamir putin. papadopoulos cult valted relationships thinking it could increase his importance to the campaign. may 13, russians propose aid high level meeting of mr. trump with the russian federation. court papers say the trump campaign rebuffed requests, but on july 14th, papadopoulos told the russians, a meeting has been approved from our side. that meeting never happened. but others did. including on june 9, trump tower, when donald trump jr., met a russian lawyer and others believing they had dirt on hillary clinton.
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papadopoulos had been ducking reporters, but surfaced on social media three weeks ago. asking about a publisher. last week he wanted recommendations for a speakers bureau. won't be sentenced until it is over. he is already contemplating future of books and speeches. paul manafort, president trump's former campaign chairman and former business partner, rick gates plead not guilty including 12 counts conspiring against the united states. the indictment charges over ten years the two men set up a scheme to. prosecutors allege the scheme involved hiding that foreign work, funneling more than million through unreported foreign bank accounts. the indictment says paul manafort used hidden overseas wealth to enjoy a lavish
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lifestyle. spending $6.4 million on homes in new york and virginia. t indictment could be used. >> strong, very serious charges that, that put a tremendous amount of pressure on paul manafort and gates to, to plead and cooperate. >> kevin downing is paul manafort's attorney. there is no evidence that paul manafort or the trump campaign colluded with the russian government. >> paul manafort was fired in 2016 after it became public he lobbied on behalf of pro russian interests,000. allegedly laundering money
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working on the campaign and charges include actions taken this year according to the indictment in november, 2016, and february 2017. the two men gave false statements to the justice department. this investigation has a head of steam and there will be a lot mr. shoes to drop. >> this investigation has got a head of steam. there will be a lot more shoes to drop. >> gates who was also manafort's campaign deputy was released on $5 million bail and faces 12 and a half years if convicted. his spokesperson welcomes his day in court. manafort was released on $10 million bail and faces up to 15 years in prison. >> today's announcement has the nothing to do with the president. nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity. >> reporter: the white house strategy to downplay connections to the three men ran into immediate factual problems. factual problems.
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sarah huckabee sanders insisted george papadopoulos had little impact. >> a volunteer on a counsel that met once. >> his activities of his invention no one asked him to do any of the things. is that what you are telling the american public? that's all i can tell you. he asked to do things was pushed back or not responded to. any actions he took would be on his own. >> the plea agreement says he was not rebuffed by the campaign. quite the opposite. a trump campaign supervisor told papadopolous, i would encourage you to pursue contact with russians and he had done great work. he also attended this foreign policy meeting with candidate trump in march 2016. paul manafort has done an amazing job. he is here some place. where is paul? >> reporter: the white house began distancing itself from paul manafort in march. >> discussion of paul manafort who play a very limited role for a very limited amount of time. >> while paul manafort only
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served as campaign chairman for three months. russia's connection to the campaign was an issue during his tenure. this is what he told cbs this morning in july, 2016. >> we, we have no relationship. >> after resigning as chairman. paul manafort remained close to the trump campaign through election day and significant adviser during the transition. on twitter the president fried to deflect criticism on to democrats writing why aren't crooked hillary and the dems the focus. mr. trump raised questions about, democrat's funding of a dossier. last week a lawyer for the clinton kachl pain and democratic national committee admitted to paying for research. the dossier ended up in fbi hand. the white house says it expects mueller's investigation to end soon. but only half of the interview side with top white house and justice department tow officials have occurred. there are no requests pending to interview the president or vice president. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. ♪when you've got...♪
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while the trump administration is encouraging production of oil and coal, china is headed in the opposite direction. the country embarked on a massive project to bring solar power to its people. by 2030, china's leaders say the sun will provide 10% of the country's energy needs. ben tracy is there. >> on a farm in northern china, they're planting a new crop. nearly 200,000 solar panels in the heart of coal country. in the south china just flipped the switch on the world's largest floating solar installation. built on top of a lake, created by an abandoned coal line. project like these help china
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double its solar capacity last year. it is now twice taz big as the the u.s. capacity. nearly half of all new solar installations in the world are happening here in china. and they're doing it quickly. green peace says they're installing soccer field full of solar panels every hour of every day. >> we have 28 solar plants in operation in china. and, three more are under construction. >> maggie cho, is president of panda green energy, installed enough solar panels to power 140 million homes. >> why build sowing many solar field? >> we intend to bring better future to next generations using clean energy reducing air pollution. the company's mission. >> it is also the government's mission. spending hundred of billions of dollars to subsidize renewable energy as china tries to wean
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itself off coal. still its dominant power source. the reason for its notoriously toxic air. but china now produces 2/3 of the world's solar panels has become a major competitor for the u.s. sell lar industry which employs quarter million american workers. ben tracy. cbs news, china. >> of the cbs "overnight news" will be righ >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message.
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don't wait, call this number now. ♪ i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this.
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it is halloween. time for ghosts, goblins. if you sort of believe in that kind of stuff. well a lot of people actually do. savannah, georgia. so we sent martha tichner there to see what they've got planned. >> savannah. stately. sense wum. sensual, sultry. and -- >> slightly spooky, as the city gets in the mood for halloween. savannah, georgia, claims to be the most haunted city in the united states. among savannah's ghosts real or imagined. little gracie. who died at the age of 6 in
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1889. legend has it in the cold of winter when the moon is full, her cheeks are warm. but the real story here isn't gracie's ghost, it's her historic surroundings in bonaventure cemetery. >> the beauty of the place overcame me immediately. >> made famous by john barrant's 1994 love letter to savannah's "midnight in the garden of good and evil" made into a movie. >> dead time. >> half-hour before midnight. working good. half-hour after, for evil. >> well i thought that, was so ee va evocative, the word garden, evil, good, evil. midnight. four wonderful word. >> hi. >> okay. well we are going on ape tour this morning. my name is angela.
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we do have to make one little stop. i want to introduce mr. john barrant. >> we invited to join ape surprised rather star struck bus tour. based on his book. >> 38 printings. >> we will be driving out to bonaventure cemetery three miles out of the historic district. >> reporter: once plantation. it became a cemetery because of its beauty. savannahans used it as a park for sunday strolls and picnics. the monuments here tell stories. of confederate soldiers. of disappointed lovers. of nazi persecution. of tragedy. of wealth. if a cemetery could have a sound
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track -- ♪ moon river >> bonaventure would be the music of the famous occupant, songwriter, johnny mercer. single line in quotes. and the angels sing. of course his song. ♪ the angels sing the sweetest song i ever heard ♪ >> reporter: past other graves in this spectral city, bonaventure superstar used to be. when "midnight in the garden of good and evil" came out, bird girl, statuary bird bath on the cover is known was so overrun with visitors. she was being loved to death. >> this area right here is unrecognize bum. if all you had to go on was the cover of midnight. bird girl is gone. aawe now in a local museum for her own protection. >> how do you feel about that?
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>> i love it. now part of the art history of sa esperan savannah. really nobody knew about it until midnight. >> before "the book" 5 million tourists visited savannah annually. now, nearly 14 million. bonaventure cemetery gets 250,000 visitors. not all of them for tours. >> this year, 80 couples will have tied the knot amupg the tombstones. but if you want to be buried at bonaventure, bad news, it's sold out. and speaking of bad news, the place closes at 5:00 p.m. so, no one will be here in the dark of halloween night. to see whether the dead walk. [ wind chimes ] >> spooky stuff.
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not everything about halloween is so serious. luke burbank has the story of the internet mortician who fries to look on the bright side of death. >> it's halloween, deathlings this year my costume is sexy mortician t just kidding. that's my costume all year around. ha-ha-ha. >> caitlyn dody, a different kind of you'vetube star. >> hi, i'm caitlyn. and this 'tis a skull. welcome to ask a mortician. >> she really its a licensed mortician, produced over 100 episode of ask a mortician over the last six years. dead bodies are actually a heck of a lot safer than living bodies. >> everything you wanted to know about death, and then some. do hair and fingernails keep growing after you die? no. >> she offers a little history. >> this bad boy is called a coffin.
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in the late 1800s. coffins went out of fashion cas >> my grandma died. >> my phone died. >> so we know how you feel. >> how did you get the idea for the youtube channel? >> i got the idea. i was getting so many question as the bout what went on behind the scenes. and soap i thought that, if i've could not only talk about what is happening do it in an engaging fun way. more people would, be open to these new idea of what we can do with a body. >> her best selling memoir, smoke gets in your eyes, and yes, she was also a crematory operator, argues that americans need to think more about end of life richrituals. instead of keeping death at a distance. >> being back there alone, cremating the body. the family wasn't there. that really showed me that our rituals are, are off. they're broken. they're not where they need to
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be. >> hi. come on down. >> so excited. >> her message seems to have call the on. she has become an unlikely celebrity. >> being the most famous mortician is like beak the most famous accountant. but i set out to be a public advocate. because i really believe in changing the funeral industry. i love the fact that we have started a movement. >> that movement was on full display last month. when ape few hundred deathlings, she calls them descended on seattle for the 7th annual death salon. >> i wanted to come here, belter my skills at talking about death. and to just beep with other geeky death nerds. >> there were grief counselors. >> everything happens for a reason, a stack of dismissive crap. >> green burial add voe cats. >> after a green burial we come back to plant native plants on the site. >> all gathered together to discuss the latest in death
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trend. >> your masters thesis actually was human composting. off awe megan helped doedy organize the weekend. >> when you come to ape death salon. people have an idea. very depressing or something like that. there are moment when you are hear touching, sad stories, it actually its quite a lot of fun. >> for the record, none of these deathlings are pro death. they're just of the belief that the more we talk about it, openly, and honesty, the lest terrifying it need to be. >> and thank you so much for coming and being a part of this. >> thank you. >> thank you. off awe as part of her battling with what she calls the funeral industrial complex. >> the death care industry is $15 billion a year industry. >> doedy opened her own funeral home. off awe undertaking l.a. is a different kind of funeral home, offering families choices they
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would not know they have. >> she helps people perform wakes and funerals in their own homes. >> unlimited participation from the family. even years later. my dad any death was awful. but the funeral wasn't. the burial wasn't. we were able to be involved. >> her new book from here to eternity way beyond the united states. in search of the storing crem e crematcremat cremated remains. don't have off to tell any one here. >> in japan, there is a column barium, light up buddhas. you go in have your tap card. goes, boom, boom, boom. >> your loved ones will light up. start pulsing and glowing. >> no need to squint through names. find mom, light wiegt will guide you straight to her. >> what would a good death look like for kate lynn?
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>> natural cemetery.
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new animated film on the life of vincent van gogh brings his work to life. jonathan vigliatti has the story from london. >> reporter: one of cinema's most ambitious new films. was produced in a studio in poland. they brought to life the work of vincent van gogh. the firsthand painted film ever made. >> invented the slowest form of filmmaking ever devied in 120 years. >> the film's director. >> house and cart moving. >> using letters written.
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they tell the story of van go's creative genius and sudden death. vincen't van gogh born in the netherlands in 153. over the course of his ka roar he painted over #00 canvass. famous themes, including sun flowers and wheat fields. at 37 years old. after being released from a mental institution he took his own life without any explanation. >> how does a man go from being absolutely calm to suicidal in six weeks. >> that pivotal question is ex-plrd through 60stional characters and locations depected in 150 of van gogh's famous paintings. >> an interesting man. >> a genius. like a traditional film. loving vince enlt began with a set and actors.
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[ indiscernible ] >> we cut it together, live action film and projected each frame individually on to canvas. >> as the producer explains, 120 artists recruited from all over the world. turned the productions into oil painedings. >> a scene as you see it. you are having to interpret of seem and an artist that died 120 years ago. >> to beep clear, every frame of loving is painted by hand. all 265,000 of them. the equivalent of 64,000 canvass. >> south sheiked on. 98 times. does a quarter or thirtd of a second each day. >> a painstaking tribute to van go. a moving exhibit of his work
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unlike any before. >> that's the "ov it's tuesday, october 31st, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." president trump's former campaign chairman is under house arrest this morning. he is one of three people in the criminal investigation potentially linking the trump campaign to russia. there are new questions casting doubt about the tale of two soldiers lost at sea. and severe weather in the northeast knocking out power to more than a million homes and businesses. crews have been working nonstop to get the lba


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